Friday, March 21, 2008

Interview Transcript 2

I: Were you studying English in your other country?
S: I went to English class.
I: You did? Oh, so, ah was it just English that they taught you or was it ah other subjects?
S: No, just English, but it was not in my school. It was somewhere else.
I: Somewhere else in your country, okay. Tell me about your school day. What was your school
day like in your country?
S: hum.. .It was like we can go to recess we went to recess two times of the day. We like don't
play we just, we could play, but we can't run and we have to eat fruit, and then we have to line
up to go to our classes.
I: What time did school start?
I: Seven in the morning?
S: seven and a half
I: seven thirty, seven and a half? That's how you say it. And so, how, when did you get out of
school if you started at seven-thirty?
S: We get out of school in twelve, but now sometimes like in Wednesday, we get out in two
and sometimes one-thirty.
I: Okay, so you have a shorter day than what you do here.
S: rnmhum, yes
I: What country are we talking about? Where are you from?
I: Iran, okay were you born in Iran?
S: yes
I: Okay, what city were you born in?
S: mm, in Tehran
I: Tehran, that's a big city isn't it?
S: (she nods her head, yes)
I: Yeah. Yeah, okay, urn what kinds of things do you like to do?
S: hi Iran?
I: Iran or here
S: A hum, I like to go to art class or painting class. I like to find some friends in anywhere I am.
I: Do you have any friends here?
S: I have only one friend in here.
I: Okay, girl or boy?
S: girl
I: Is she in your class?
S: (nods yes)
I: Okay, so you get to spend some tune with her?
I: That's good. Is she also from Iraq, Iran?
S: No, she...she's from Puerto Rico.
I: Okay. So, you met her when you got here.
S: mmhum
I: What kinds of, can you tell me about the things you like to eat?
S: mmm I like to eat spaghetti and I like to eat.. .orange juice or apple juice.
I: Okay, are these foods different from what you had hi your country or?

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