Friday, March 21, 2008

Interview Transcript 5

I: Oh.
S: I was too late for this school because takes because I come here from four months later like
is school was started.
I: Okay.
S: And then I came here and because of that my mom said you have to go with school.
I: She didn't want to wait any longer then. So, in your country, you were in the second grade or
the third grade?
S: third grade
I: You were in the third. And you missed some time?
S: ummhumm
I: when you moved here?
S: Yeah.
I: And so, your mom did not want you to miss any more time.
I: Is that what you're saying? What's your favorite subject? Do you have a favorite?
S: umhum My favorite subject is being doctor and maybe arts, doing arts.
I: Okay, so you're going to be a doctor, what kind? Do you know?
S: mmm.. .Dentist or maybe mmm making the pets well.
I: Okay. How about holidays? Do you celebrate any holidays?
S: In Iran, we celebrate some of them like one holiday was like Christmas and we celebrate it.
I: Okay.
S: And here we don't celebrate any.
I: You don't celebrate any? Ah, not even Christmas?
S: The Christmas my.. .my cousin's mom celebrate it and we came to her house when we were
living at their house.
I: How do you, how do you celebrate Christmas in Iran?
S: hi Iran
I: What kinds of things do you do?
S: We like put candles and we put mirror and we put some things some apples, everything that
we have "seh" in Iran that's like is like "c" but we say "seh" and everything that starts with "c"
here and in Iran, we say "seh" we put it on the table.
I: Okay.
S: And we call it aid for like Christmas we call it aid.
I: aid, okay.. .1 had read a little booklet, a little bit in a book about Iran and I think I know what
you are talking about because they were describing some of the holidays that you celebrate.
I: And I think I remember something about the what you're saying.. .ah anyway, how about
birthdays? Do you celebrate birthdays?
I: How do you celebrate your birthday?
S: We put birthday cake and, hi Iran, how we celebrate it?
I: Either one
S: They're the same like we put presents and birthday cake and we open the presents when
were in birthday.
I: Okay, do you have candles on the cake?
S: mmhum

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