Friday, March 21, 2008

Interview Transcript 4

S: Yeah, I like I like to go see new toys or new museums or schools or classes.
I: Okay. So, toys, museums, and classes. Do you play any sports?
S: Yeah, I, I'm going to go to ballet class because in Iran I was going and then.
I: So, you like ballet?
S: mmhum
I: Is that popular in your country?
S: No, we just have one ballet class in our country because they don't let us to open some ballet
classes or something.
I: I see. Is that the government or? Okay, ballet is something you really want to get into.
S: Yeah, and painting class, art.
I: Painting, you like to paint. I have a daughter who likes to paint.
I: She likes urn, she especially likes acrylic paint. Ah, she likes to do things like flowers and
landscapes. What kinds of things do you paint?
S: I paint some girls and some pets sometimes and some trees.
I: Do you have pets?
S: No.
I: No. Not even a fish?
S: I had a fish, but I don't have, but my mom said you don't need a fish, if you want a dog I'm
going to buy you when you were sixteen years old or bigger.
I: Oh, she wants you to be older then.
S: So I can take care of my pets by myself.
I: Yeah, they're a lot of work. I had a cat. He was less work. You don't have to walk a cat.
S: Oh, yeah. I like cats.
I: I did too. He was the first one I had and didn't um think I really care that much for him, but I
did and I had him for about nine years so.
I: Do you read books?
S: Yes.
I: Oh, I meant to bring a book for you to read to me. What do you like to read?
S: ummm.. .Some like pets books or some books that are strange and funny.
I: Oh, okay. Do you have a favorite?
S: umm...hummno
I: No, do you have books in the classroom that you could read?
S: Yeah.
I: We'll have to go back over there and get a book so that I can hear you read.
S: Okay.
I: umm How about ta computers. Do you get to work on the computer?
S: Yeah.
I: Do you have one of those at home (I pointed to the desk top PC in the classroom.)?
S: ummhumm No, we have laptop. We don't have computer.
I: Okay. Okay. How important is um, is a school? Is school important to you?
S: Yeah.
I: How about to your parents? Do you think it's important?
S: Yeah, because that's when the first day when I come the second day when they put me in
this school.

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