Friday, March 21, 2008

Interview Transcript 3

I: No, you had those kinds of things there, too. Okay.. .When you came did, did you bring ah all
of you things with you or did you have to leave some things behind?
S: I had to leave like my all my clothes and some of my big things like my scooter and my bike
and some of my toys.
I: You had a scooter? Like a motorcycle?
S: No, the normal, the normal kind.
I: Okay, okay. Can you tell me a little bit about your old neighborhood? What was that like?
S: mmm It was there is no child, but I don't really know him or there were families, but the
child that they had were big and I don't really like to meet them.
I: You don't like to meet them?
S: No, but some of my neighbors were had child that I like to and all the times my friends
comes to my house.
I: Oh, do they? So, um I'm trying to imagine what you are saying. It's a big city, was your
house like a.. .an apartment building?
S: mmhum
I: Okay, it was.
S: Yeah.
I: Okay, how about here.. .when, when you were there what language did you speak?
S: Iranian, Farsi
I: Okay, ah was that language spoke at home?
S: Yeah.
I: and at school?
S: Yeah.
I: Do your parents English?
S: They speak a little, but their real language is Farsi.
I: Okay, Farsi is another name for Persian isn't it?
S: mmhum
I: Okay, does your, do you speak any other languages?
I: Okay, so that's your first language.
S: I speak Farsi too and English.
I: Okay, did you find it hum difficult to learn English or?
S: No, easy, a little easy.
I: Easy? Is it very similar to Farsi?
S: Yeah.
I: in some ways?
S: mmhum
I: Looking at your letters that you showed me on the board, they don't look like.. .ah the
alphabet. They look like pictures...
S: Yeah, they're like, they have, in Iran the the things are going together, but their like "a" is
not matched with "e" like they're like lines.
I: Yeah, yeah that's what I saw on the board out there.
S: Yeah.
I: Okay, umm What do you like about living in the United States? Is there anything you like
about living here?

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