Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SOLOM Evaluation

SOLOM Teacher Observation
Student Oral Language Observation Explanation

Student Pseudo Name: Sally

Grade Level: Third

Language Observed: English

Date: February 21, 2008

A. Comprehension – A “4” was given and because she “understands nearly everything at normal speech. Although occasional repetition may be necessary.”

B. Fluency – A “5” was given and because her “speech in everyday conversation and classroom discussions are fluent and effortless, approximating that of a native speaker.”

C. Vocabulary – A “4” was given because the “student occasionally uses inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.”

D. Pronunciation – A “4” was given because her speech is “always intelligible, although the listener is conscious of a definite accent and of occasional inappropriate intonation patterns.”

E. Grammar – A “4” was given because she “occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order errors that do not obscure meanings.”

Total Score: 21 out of 25

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