Friday, March 21, 2008

Interview Transcript 1

Transcript of Student from Iran
(third-grade girl)
S = third-grade student I = pre-service teacher
I: Tell me anything you want.
S: My name is Samin.
I: Okay. Can you tell me how old you are?
S: I am nine.
I: Nine years old? A hum.. .and what grade are you in?
S: third grade
I: What's your teacher's name?
S: Miss Gonzalez
I: How long have you been in this country?
S: humm...three...months
I: three months? So, hum... Were you excited about coming to this country?
S: hum...yes
I: Why? Can you tell me why?
S: Because I'm...I'm going to see my cousin. I'm going to go to new school. I'm going to find
some new friends. To be with them.
I: When you came over, did you come by.. .how did you, how did you get here?
S: with airplane
I: Okay. Was that a long flight?
S: It was hum two days.
I: Two days? On an airplane? Wow! That's a long way.
S: urn hum
I: Long way, so who did you come with?
S: my mutter, and my fotter
I: So, do you have sisters or brothers?
I: no?
I: So, but you said you have a cousin here?
S: Yeah, I have a cousin, but I don't have any sisters or brothers.
I: Does your cousin live in Tampa?
S: urn hum (indicates yes with nod of her head)
I: So, you get to see them or no?
S: Yeah, I.. .we were living in their house and now we bought a new house for ourselves, and
then my mutter going to pick-up my cousin and then we're going to their house.
I: How old is the cousin?
S: She's ...sevenyears-old.
I: Okay, so, she's a little bit younger than you? And, so what grade is she in?
S: She's in second grade.
I: Oh, second grade. Your English is very good.
S: Thank you.

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